The strange killing of Betsy Aardsma

Betsy Aardsma was a woman of the 60's; young; free spirited; coming into her own; at 22 years old she was going to Penn State for an English degree, having decided to derail her original plans to go into the Peace Corps as her boyfriend said he would not wait for her.One day after Thanksgiving holiday Betsy went with her roommate Sharon Brandt would go to the Pattee Library to finish assignments that were looming ahead, she was in the darkened section known as "the stacks" when someone stabbed Betsy one time and ran. Few people saw this person, and to this day there is conflicting information as to what possibly happened that day in the stacks...November 28, 1969

Om Podcasten

The Right Shoe is a podcast that talks about all things strange and unusual especially in reference to a death and delves into the psychology behind it. The Host, DebbieQ, defines the crime and then goes into specifics, asking investigators from a homicide department as well as people involved with the history of the crime and/or the victims to blend together to figure out the whose and why’s of what happened.