Episode 42: Better Call Sam (Part 1)
The Roaring Trainers - En podcast af The Roaring Trainers
When things break bad, Sammy leads the gang through the Team Rocket compound. Can they find Giovanni and the way out?www.twitter.com/roaringtrainerswww.patreon.com/roaringtrainerswww.etsy.com/shop/roaringtrainersSpecial thanks to the following for the use of their music:Covox for the use ofPsychic YouthFind more music by Covox here!https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Covox/ Defrini for the use of Pause for ThoughtChordicaVVFind more music by Defrini here!https://freemusicarchive.org/music/defriniKupa for the use ofContinueFind more music by Kupa here!https://freemusicarchive.org/music/KupaKarl Casey at White Bat Audio for the use ofSpeed KillsFind more music by Karl here!https://whitebataudio.com/ Piqonax for the use ofSolo Para MiFind more music by Piqonax here!www.pioxonaq.com