Why I’m Done with Beginner’s Shame - And You Should Be Too

Why do we get so embarrassed when we’re learning a new sport or skill or craft? I call it beginner’s shame. PERSON: “Are these your paintings?”US: “I mean, yes… but like, I’m JUST STARTING and I haven’t had any OFFICIAL TRAINING and this is just a HOBBY, and these paintings here aren’t my BEST ONES, you know, and uh…”I notice it in the surf, girls who are learning, yet sit out on the shoulder and don’t go for waves when they roll in, simply because some old dude is going for it, too.And in the girls’ head she has this running dialogue like “well… they’re probably a better surfer and i’m just going to fall off anyway so, you know, I’ll just wait for another one.” I get it. We don’t really allow much space for people in this world who are just… average at something. In this solocast Caitlin talks about her journey with beginner's shame, how she moved past it and some advice to get going on that thing you've always wanted toTry the Salty Club 30 Days FreeEditing by Mateus GomesSong 'Green' by Mae Mae

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Welcome to the Salty Club podcast with your host Caitlin Creeper. The Salty Club is where we bring surf, yoga, nutrition, empowerment and community under the same roof. We’ve found that when a person invites these five facets into their life, they become a force to be reckoned with. Join me for interviews and solocasts on all these topics and more. The idea is to share the inspiring stories of adventurers, experts and game changers. People who have wandered from the conventional path and are doing life on their terms, in the hope it will inspire you as you write your own epic life story.