Why are Black Conservatives Still Democrats?

The Science of Politics - En podcast af Niskanen Center

Many African-Americans see themselves as conservatives and hold conservative policy positions. But Black voters overwhelmingly identify as Democrats and vote for Democratic candidates. Why can't Republicans increase their Black voter support despite rising conservatism? Ismail White and Chryl Laird find that African-Americans live in segregated social networks that enforce a norm of Democratic voting. Black voters are more supportive of Republicans when they do not feel social pressure. Tasha Philpot finds that Black conservatism is meaningful and influential in policy views, but that Black partisanship is based more on shared group identity. Black voters have varied ideologies, but agree on the concerns most important to vote choice. They agree that Black partisanship challenges our ideas about ideological polarization. Photo Credit: Public Domain, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/photos-and-video/2012-photos

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