190 | Getting Candid About The Business of Hollywood (ft. Navid McIlhargey)

Navid Mcllhargey has been a studio executive and producer for over 20 years, and over the course of his impressive career, he has seen the business change dramatically. Today, we get an inside look into the life of a studio-exec-turned-producer, and more importantly, what it looks like for a producer to puzzle together a movie in today's dramatically different Hollywood. JOIN OUR PATREON: www.patreon.com/thescreenwritinglife

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Screenwriting Life, a podcast where Oscar-nominated writer Meg LeFauve and Emmy-nominated writer Lorien McKenna discuss not only the craft and business of Screenwriting, but also the emotional life: the ups and downs of being a creative, to remind you that you are not alone and to keep writing.