The Secret Teachings 1/20/22 - Mundus Fallaciarum

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

Human perception is a powerful and dangerous thing, especially mixed with ego, and an unwillingness or inability to acknowledge one’s faults. Human perception is also incredibly malleable, easily bent in the direction of whoever has more powerful will. There really is no understanding of how human perceptions of the world developed into countless complex systems of religion. We can see how easy it is today with the use of magical words, implications, fear, terrorism, and playing on the heart, to not only change perception but to cultivate a new authoritative religious system or cult. Some theories, however, state that these complex systems of religion, and man’s concept of spirits, other worlds, sprites, and even aliens, are results of the usage of hallucinogenic substances, along with a natural ability of some to slip into such hallucinatory states with or without the aid of psychoactive substances or ceremonial performances. By accident, intention, or both, tens of thousands of years ago man discovered these other worlds. Whether real or not by some contemporary definition, man sees these worlds today just as he did 40,000 years ago. It’s also easy to see how the promise of safety, security, paradise, and better health, mixed with drugs and other chemical concoctions manufactured by pharmaceutical corporations and sponsored by government, can induce the same religious and cult-like ideological belief systems. These systems, contrary to shamanic tradition, in particular, are not about self-exploration, growth, healing, etc., they are about locking perception in a narrow bandwidth, and controlling the physical body by extinguishing connection to source.

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