The Secret Teachings 1/4/21 - Ten Years of Tribulation: Year of the Ox, Dragon & Beast

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

Throughout 2020, humans all over the world have found themselves herded like cattle into their homes and cities, socially distance, litmus tested, issued identifications for immunization and removed from the workforce as non-essentials, before being given a meager payment called stimulus cheese. All of this to serve a global system of governing sold to us as freedom and abundance, but what is really a world of slavery and artificial scarcity. Whereas 2020 was the year of the rat, or lab rat, 2021 is now the year of the Ox, an animal of burden considered sacred and worthy of sacrifice to the gods. 2021 begins with a stimulus bill initiating the 180 day countdown of UFO disclosure by the US Federal Government. It is a $2.3 trillion deal, a theft similar to the same amount of money going missing one day before 9.11.2001. We are also now being told that the Christmas bomber, Anthony Q. Warner, was a believer in aliens and 911 conspiracy, and it should not be lost his middle initial is Q.Furthermore, January is the month of Janus, a god who sees in the past and future with his two heads. It is a month of oracle. It is the month of Epiphany, a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus. The day commemorates the visit of Magi to the Christ, which took up to ten years upon following a star. Our Christmas star, or great conjunction (great reset), of Saturn and Jupiter, brought us into the year of revelations. It signifies the birth of something that will be visible to all in ten years, or 2030. This year signifies the UNs Agenda 2030, Google’s Hive Mind, the year the world should end from Climate Change, and the solidification of the Great Reset beginning in January of 2021 at the twin summit. The year of 2021 brings the rise of the anti christ-child, a ten horned beast who will be worshiped and given power by the dragon, who we may identify as the house of the red dragon supporting the World Economic Forum. Similar to the movie Captive State, the extraterrestrials occupy Earth for ten years and people must decide to live under alien rule or become part of the resistance.

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