The Secret Teachings 11/9/22 - Mistress of the Pyramids

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

The Giza temple complex in Egypt was known as a place where men became gods, just as is Teotihuacan in Central America with its own incredible temples. At these and other sacred sites around the world, alchemical transformations of the soul were ritually acted out in a set of natural dramas. These mirrored nature and were the foundation of the mystery religions. Invariably known as THE WAY, as in Jesus being the way, truth, and life, the Japanese called it Shugendo. The Ise Jingu shrine of ancient Shinto Japan relates to the mysteries of Egypt and Giza. Ise was the location of worship for the sun goddess Amaterasu, another name for Jesus, Krishna, or Isis. From GIZA we get G and IZA, the grand architect of matter and the womb of the goddess or earth. Thus, pyramids were tombs only for living resurrection to be performed in preparing a candidate for a life of service to God with knowledge that eternal life is the only TRUTH. The pyramid or temple itself acted as both the body of man and the goddess, its chambers the place of a soul and womb.

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