The Secret Teachings 6/27/22 - We The Mob v. the Rule of Law

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

Some are so angry with the SCOTUS that they wish to pack it or abolition it entirely, and while they are at it overturn Congressional procedure and dictate with the President's pen. They proceeded in a collective mob to attack state buildings un unison and call the court fascist. Agree or not with the SCOTUS in Dobbs it is unlikely the left or right took the time to read the 213 page opinion. Inside its pages were scientific and moral reasoning that "a 15-week ban provides sufficient time, absent rare circumstances, for a woman ‘to decide for herself ‘whether to terminate her pregnancy.” Since all are guaranteed "life, liberty" it would be easy to argue that the U.S. Constitution actually protects such new life, if a definition upon "life" could be established, and therefore bans abortion except in rare cases. Still, the Court simply turned the matter over to state legislatures empowered by the democratic vote of the citizenry. Republicans and Democrats are calling for all restrictions, which were allowed in Roe (1973) and Casey (1992), to be considered "bans" despite that such bans still allow abortion, usually before 15 weeks for any reason, and then also for issues of sexual violence and medical issues. The court went further to acknowledge that certain past decisions such as Plessy (1896) were repugnant and that the court does not make "absolute" decisions. The mob arguing in disfavor of the court is suggesting that the court should make absolute decisions, just in their favor. The court even reaffirmed that Roe (1973), in its original text, never provided an absolute right to abortion, and that a "license to act on the basis" of such absolutely free "beliefs may correspond to one of the many understandings of ‘liberty,’ but it is certainly not ‘ordered liberty.’ Ordered liberty sets limits and defines the boundary between competing interests.”

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