TST 1/18/23 - Pop Stars Gathered in their Masses

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

The Greek poet Hesiod was once not so famous, living life as a shepherd, until he spoke with the muses and acquired divine inspiration for his work. The muses are goddesses of masterful talents ranging from music and dance, to poetry and oration. It is from ‘muses’ that we get words like ‘museum’ and ‘music’. Artists of any kind can invoke through prayer the assistance of these archetypical reservoirs, whether seeking inspiration, emotional context, skill, or knowledge. In other words, the muses are part of the triune nature of self, i.e.the conscious, sub-conscious, and unconscious - or the higher self. They bestow powers through focus and intention, the very definition of magic. Turning our attention to Hollywood and the music industry we find not only ‘movie magic’, ‘holy wood’, and ‘silver screens’ of storms and emotions, but both literal cases and metaphors of contracts offered or sought with powerful divine forces. We also find instances of accidental or unintentional contact with the spirit world, devil, or sex-demons. Most are aware of the the influence of the devil in rock music, or hoodoo in blues, rhythm and jazz, but few have noticed the very dark side of the extremely pervasive pop genre and its apparent obsession with not only witchcraft, but the darkest practices of the otherwise nature-observant religion. It’s just pop stars gathered in their masses.

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