TST 2/28/23 - Jabs for Jesus

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

Apparently natural immunity and lab-leaks are becoming part of the accepted narrative, at least in some mainstream news like the Wall Street Journal and NBC. As is the case with UFOs, especially after years of cover up, for some reason alternative media echo chambers are suddenly willing to accept the mainstream narrative if it confirms their own bias. This results in the confirmation bias of an often manufactured dichotomy which limits questioning beyond what is accepted and rejected by official and alternative sources of information. But despite a shift in narrative there is still a cult-like protective response to the original story, as many find it offensive to their ego to let go of the fact they were lied too. In fact, The Atlantic ran an apologetic article in October 2022 calling for pandemic amnesty, suggesting that we should forget the destruction of what humans, not particles, did to relationships, businesses, opportunities, and lives in general. Let’s move on and forget the coercion, manipulation, gas lighting, threats, etc. The cult is so pervasive, but also naked, that when Woody Harrelson went on SNL for a six minutes opening standup, all he had to do was reference the idea of big drug cartels colluding with government and media to force the public to take their products in order to provoke the wrath of paid for news - ironically proving his point. The cults of healthcare, media (including much alternative media), political parties, etc., are dogmatic, doctrinal, dichotomies. They require the same worship and dedication as the countless vengeful and bloodthirsty gods throughout human culture. Sometimes they blend together, as when the governor of New York told followers that God wants them to do what the media, big pharma, etc. tells them.

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