TST 2/7/23 - Eggsecuting the Takeover

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

In 2020 farmers across the world destroyed milk, eggs, vegetables, etc., because demand quickly declined due to lockdowns. Then they scaled back further production. Resulting economic setbacks and rising inflation compounded the problem when demand increased again since farmers were now unable, or could not directly afford, to increase production. Additional shortages and high prices resulted. This is what happens when production, supply, prices, etc., are controlled, no matter what the reasoning is for the regulation. Such policies waste resources and destroy productivity, which makes everyone poorer and more dependent on the system. This is precisely how Mao took such strong control of China. By the time authorities acknowledged the problems caused by centralized collective communist control, it was too late. Responsibility had to be exported to somewhere or someone else since the Party is never wrong. With ongoing food availably and price issues, and along with major processors facing what seems to be sabotage, not to mention attacks on and scale backs at energy producers, egg producers have now made it to the top of public concern. Then, surely coincidently, one of the largest egg producers int he United States, Hillandale Farms, lost 100,000 hens in a fire. A week later the largest egg producer in New Zealand, Zeagold Farms, lost 50,000 hens in a similar blaze. Others are claiming that feed has been contaminated, resulting in poorer to zero egg production. In mythology the egg is a symbol of potentiality and the mystery of life, so watching eggs be smashed or birds be killed - Fifty-two million birds were recently killed over fear of spreading avian flu, even though the flu did not kill them - causes one to think that life and all potential is being brutally targeted. And this is what the Chinese are openly stealing in agriculture, energy, academia, etc., from the west - potentiality. With the giant ‘spy balloon’ recently making a cross country trip over the U.S., and refusal of government officials to shoot it down until the last minute, we know the fix is in. When that white ball egg-looking balloon was finally shot down over the Atlantic ocean we noticed the ritual. The Chinese believe that the first man sprung from an egg which was dropped from heaven into the primordial waters. What emerges from these relationships is the New Soviet Man, while the old man is put to rest and the entire system is burned down and reset in a plan to build back better. The New Reset man has emerged from the waters.

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