TST 4/6/23 - Utterly Macabre: Supernatural State of Decay

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

The business of politics in the apocalypse is better than ever. The utterly macabre is a beautiful thing to behold as our perception of order decays. All around us in population centers we are faced with the signs of collapse. Vandalism is considered artwork, hate crime only applies to some groups, homelessness is a virtue, open drug use is freedom, and endless crime with no consequence is compassion. In fact, it is precisely this compassion that psychopaths and sociopaths exploit in an evil, soulless, attempt to create an environment of suffering. Those lacking emotion and compassion are in essence non-human, controlled by the reptilian brain, i.e. the real basis for the notion that world leaders are controlled by reptilians or demons. And in fact, recent research published in Nature, “explores whether cultural groups invoke the supernatural more to explain natural phenomena (for example, storms, disease outbreaks) or social phenomena (for example, murder, warfare).” The report suggests “Despite the dominance of supernatural explanations of natural phenomena, supernatural explanations of social phenomena were especially prevalent in urbanized societies with more socially complex and anonymous groups.” Phoenix, Arizona, is in the midst of a dangerous, murderous, filthy, drug and disease riddled, crisis. Despite a Maricopa County Superior Court Judge ordering the city to remove the The Zone tent city, a federal judge, per the ACLU, ruled last year that the city cannot enforce such bans. Here you have federal officials, working with local officials, activity attempting to make society a little less civil. In Tallahassee, students took place in an anti-gun march by walking out of school and demanding ‘serious action’ against automatic rifles. The march was organized by ‘Students Demand Action’, which claims over 110 Americans are killed daily with guns, and more than 200 are shot and wounded. What they fail to mention, however, is that virtually all deaths and injuries are a result of gangs, drugs, general crimes, and suicide. Here you have largely clueless, but kind hearted, kids being exploited to give up basic fundamental rights like that of self defense, when the same anti-gun policy ideologies are responsible for all of the real gun violence. A study from John Jay College of Criminal Justice also just found that New York’s bail reform law is intended to support criminals. Research showed that suspects released without bail were more likely to be rearrested for additional felonies and violent crimes, over those who were given bail. Here you have criminals being protected under the guise of supporting poor people. The new mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, walked backed an outright defunding of the police, while calling for social workers and mental health professionals to stop crime. He also wants more detectives to solve crimes. But criminal justice should begin with preventing and discouraging crimes, not trying to figure out who did them after the fact. Crime prevention means persecution of criminals. At Harvard people are upset that more Asian students are being admitted over Black and Latino, neglecting to ask about performance, while the SCOTUS is preparing a decision to determine if affirmative action is actually discrimination against Asian students. In Pima County, Arizona, officials except an explosion of migrants with the ending of Title 42, with jumps expected from 200-700 per day up to 1500 or more per day. This would absolutely overwhelm county services which already hand out food, hygiene, clothes, housing, etc., as if it were Halloween candy, while law abiding legal citizens struggle to pay rent, or buy the same things given out for free. Here we have a blatant disregard for citizens with special treatment given to illegals due to their proclivity to vote a certain way. For all Arizona heard about democracy in the election of a...

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