TST 6/14/23 - priDEMONth

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

From Ishtar, Freya, and Iris, to the temptress and child killer Lilith, ancient goddesses are adorned in necklaces or capes of rainbow. For Freya and Ishtar the rainbow represented sexual love between men and women. For Iris the symbol more directly linked heaven and earth since she was, like Mercury, a communicator between the two. Traditionally the rainbow has always been a bridge between the former and latter, a type of scepter, or a staff or umbilical cord between God and man.Buddha took a seven colored stairway to earth, Indians relate the colors to their seven heavens, and from the Incas and Chinese to the Australian Aboriginals, the rainbow represented either Illapa, one of the Eight Immortals turned into a serpent, or the multi colored creator serpent respectively. Rainbows are also famously a sign of the covenant between God and Earth in the Bible. The use of rainbow today, however, has come to symbolize the characteristics of Lilith. Thus, it represents a severing the connection between heaven and earth, and a distortion of the beauty, love, birth, life, protection, preservation, communication cut off, etc., that the rainbow otherwise represents. Lilith is therefore the ferrywoman who brings the damned from earth into the abyss. As the CIA, Air Force, Embassies like the one in Rome, and the White House fly the rainbow flag, they are projecting their moral license to corruption. The same thing is occurring with the U.S. ambassador to Japan. When the White House puts that same flag, the week of flag day, between two American flags, we see the spirit of the anti-christ take his throne. Symbolically it is the conquering of America by flying a foreign and hostile flag in the capital city. After all, as Proverbs 16:18 put it: Pride goeth before destruction, And an haughty spirit before a fall.”

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