TST 6/29/23 - Doomsday Porn: Planet XXX

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

In 1906, astronomer and businessman Percival Lowell launched a search for "Planet X," a hypothetical giant planet orbiting the sun beyond Neptune, based on a possible mysterious gravitation pull on the latter planet. His ambitions lead him to Pluto in 1930, and though it may have only been a rediscovery, Pluto is now no longer a planet. Yesterday an international team of researchers unveiled a new study suggesting that one or more planet-size bodies could indeed rest in the Oort cloud. In 2015 astronomers from Caltech reported the same, a study which is stored on NASA’s website under the title ‘Hypothetical Planet X’. But more important in these discussions is the choice of words: X is both a Roman numeral for ten and a marker for the unknown. It is also a matter of deciding what model of the solar system one wants to use: the ancient one where the sun and moon are included or the modern one where up until recently Pluto was a planet. It makes a difference. With 9 planets, plus the sun and moon, and with what many call Nibiru, there would be 12 planets in total. If you subtract the sun and moon then Nibiru becomes the tenth planet. Subtract Pluto and Nibiru becomes the ninth planet. Rogue planets were also up until recently rejected as possible. Now they are reported yearly. However, a rogue planet like Nibiru probably isn’t going to crash into earth, a theory likely proposed to mislead any research into the subject by association. Furthermore, Caltech says this planet has an orbit between 10-20,000 years. Overall it seems that the reduction of our solar system was meant to stifle research into the outer planet(s), even if it does exist. This gives the scientific establishment the power to determine what is truth and reality. Likewise, the flat earth theory promotes what institutional and corrupt religions have done by promoting an earth-centric model of the solar system and universe, i.e., restricting interest in the beyond and confining the imagination and spirit to a controllable environment.

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