TST 7/20/23 - Squatting in the Holy Land

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

A congressional resolution this week was passed with bipartisan support in declaration that Israel is not a racist or apartheid state. Only nine Democrats voted against, but this is likely due to their detest for religion. Israel’s President Isaac Herzog was also in Congress this week to criticize Iran’s nuclear program, despite Israel itself having hundreds of nuclear weapons, and to tell America that Israel is a purely democratic state. American perception is changing, however, with a Gallup poll showing a new high of 31% of citizens now siding with Palestinians. Israel, in reality, is a proxy of the United States and both countries have agreed to use and exploit Jewish identity for political and financial gains. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minster of the country, once said that this identity and the history of Jewish suffering is what makes them morally superior to all others, a clear extension of the line that they are God’s Chosen People. How different is this from the Master Race of Nazism? Such a belief creates a vacuum for horrendous crimes to be carried out, like Nazism, in the aims of a defined goal. Jewish comedian Roseanne pointed this out recently in an interview, yelling at Piers Morgan that just because Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish doesn’t mean he is a good guy. In fact, what Zelenskyy is doing is turning Ukraine into what he called “Big-Israel,” i.e. another U.S. proxy state to launder money, ship weapons, and wage war.Any criticism or acknowledgment of such facts conjures the accusation of anti-semitism, despite a semite being anyone who speaks a semitic language. In other words, Arabs are semites but a person who cannot speak Hebrew who converts to Judaism is not a semite. Likewise, the term Israel translates to God is a Warrior, a reference to the power of god manifesting throughout the entirety of Creation. The nation of Israel is not made of a singular people but of all mankind and nature. For MANKIND is God’s CHOSEN PEOPLE. The Twelve Tribes are thus the signs of the animal wheel or Zodiac. The Holy land is furthermore a state of mind, or what Joseph Campbell called “a corner of the heart, or it is any environment that has been mythologically spiritualized.” The capital of perverse sexuality was Berlin in the 1920s but that has since shifted to Tel Aviv, Israel, where Jewish publications are proud of their support for all things sexually unique. Is it any wonder that Hollywood, Disney, and Black Rock, all with disproportionate Jewish influences, produce material and influence culture and business along these lines?

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