Walking Dead Internet: Zombies, NPCs, & Agents (10/30/23)

The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable - En podcast af Ryan Gable

Dead Internet Theory is yet another paranoid, online conspiracy, but there is some terrifying truth buried beneath its sensationalism. The idea is that most online activity is driven not by genuine human interactions but instead by AI, bots, and algorithms. It now exists only as a simulation of what was originally a digital platform of real human interaction. Furthermore, the idea suggest that governments and corporations are partly responsible, having flooded the internet with bots and AI, and having programmed algorithms to propagandize the public and cultivate desired behaviors. The scary thing is that the facts speak for themselves: nearly half of all internet traffic is non-human, roughly 75% of all social media content and interactions are fake, and the same goes for dating apps, app reviews, polls, political opinions, news comments, streaming service algorithms, non-human fact checkers fact checking humans, doctors on social media who are fake, etc. Factor in CG images, deep fake, and voice mirroring and it seems as if the entire digital world is an illusion. This can be extended to the physical world, too, where psychologists have documented for decades that some people have no internal dialogue, a number which has certainly increased so that today we have animated corpses walking around with no awareness - NPC Theory. These zombies or NPCs are merely Simulacrums of real humans that resemble aliens from the film Invasion. The social feedback loops that the digital world has gotten billions hooked on make the real world seem dull, another reason why vitally everything we do nowadays is through the internet, with fewer people wanting to engage with other humans. Perhaps the scariest thing of all is that much of this has been planned by companies like Samsung which desires by 2028-2030 to see the world immersed in a digital universe, filled with holograms and “replicate physical entities, including people, devices, objects, systems, and even places, in a virtual world.” The 6G white paper, ‘The Next - Hyper Connected Experience for All’, says that this world will be run primarily by machines, connecting “vehicles, robots, drones, home appliances, displays, smart sensors installed in various infrastructures, construction machiner-ies, and factory equipment.”

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