It Takes Time To See Results From SEO [Episode #85]

Six months. Usually, we hear it takes six months to see traffic from your SEO efforts. Sammie Ellard King joins the SEO Rant Podcast to explain why it's not that simple: * How long does it REALLY take to see traffic from your SEO efforts? * The value of having incremental goals * The problem with SEO case studies and realistic traffic expectations It's easy to get caught up in the drive to bring in traffic to a new site without fully appreciating how long this process can really take. Sure, 6 months is generally the length of time it takes to see traffic to a site. However, is that an actual realistic timeframe? Perhaps not. (Say it ain't so). Sammie Ellard King and Mordy Oberstein discuss SEO expectations and how long it really takes to bring traffic to a site.

Om Podcasten

The SEO Rant Podcast, hosted by Mordy Oberstein (Head of SEO Brand) at Wix), gives its guests control of the mic so that they can share their deepest SEO thoughts without any inhibitions! Hear what search marketers of all backgrounds are saying about SEO both as a craft and as an industry. By giving each guest full rein the SEO Rant gives you the opportunity to get deep into how SEO experts feel and think about what does and does not work for ranking sites on the web!