Subdomain, Subfolder, ccTLD: Which Should You Use? [Episode #93]

An age-old debate in SEO has been about how to structure your domain: Should you use subfolders or subdomains? If you're in the international space, maybe you should be using ccTLDs? Alain Machado shares his thoughts on this timeless SEO question. Sometimes in SEO, we go in circles debating the same thing day after day, year after year. Nothing epitomizes this more than the debate about using subdomains or subfolders. No matter how many times Google's John Mueller says that either is fine (some caveats included) we don't seem able to give up this question. Unfortunately, it all trickles down to the client. Join Alain Machado and Mordy Oberstein as they take up an age-old SEO question!

Om Podcasten

The SEO Rant Podcast, hosted by Mordy Oberstein (Head of SEO Brand) at Wix), gives its guests control of the mic so that they can share their deepest SEO thoughts without any inhibitions! Hear what search marketers of all backgrounds are saying about SEO both as a craft and as an industry. By giving each guest full rein the SEO Rant gives you the opportunity to get deep into how SEO experts feel and think about what does and does not work for ranking sites on the web!