
Katie had a night off from parenting, and instead of drinking wine and reading an amazing novel (The Arc by Tory Hoen - you should definitely check it out!), she ended up recording this unscripted podcast about why she's hosting the Single Greatest Choice Retreat in El Cuyo, Mexico June 28-July 2 and why you might consider joining. Learn more at and schedule a call with Katie if you think you might be interested. It's the trip of a lifetime!

Om Podcasten

The Single Greatest Choice is a podcast about singleness, fertility, motherhood, and choice. This is a show for women who are grappling with what to do when life doesn't follow the love-marriage-baby carriage trajectory. It's about exploring the options when things don't seem to be turning out as we'd always planned. Most of all, is a place for women give and receive support as they grapple with these big topics - because what we decide to do with these years could be the single greatest choice we'll ever make - and we don't have to make it alone.