The Skeptic Zone #118 - 21.Jan.2011
The Skeptic Zone - En podcast af Richard Saunders
0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders0:03:20Maynard interviews The Bad Astronomer, Dr Phil Plait about the end of the world... and other more important things.0:18:18 "Death From The Skies" from the album Trebuchet by George Hrab0:22:15 Queen Victoria Markets in MelbourneJoin Dr Steve Roberts and Richard Saunders for a wander through a Melbourne landmark.0:30:20 Dr Rachie ReportsOur Very own Dr Rachael Dunlop appears on The Drum on National TV to discuss the recent news about Andrew Wakefield and the BMJ.Audio from the national TV show, with host Steve Cannane.0:42:15 The Think TankWe enjoy a BBQ at the Melbourne home of long time skeptic Dr Steve Roberts. Joining us in his courtyard are Chris Higgins, Linley Kissick, Mal Vickers, Rosemary Sceats and Richard Saunders.