The Skeptic Zone #408 - 14.August.2016

The Skeptic Zone - En podcast af Richard Saunders

0:00:00 Introduction Richard Saunders   0:08:50 Cupping and Wiki with Susan Gerbic We chat to Susan who tells us of her efforts to bring the Wiki page on the quackery of Cupping up-to-date.   0:19:45 Why Team USA’s use of cupping therapy really sucks LIke all Australians, Dr Brad can get a bit carried away while cheering for the green and gold at the Olympics. But lately it hasn’t been the Aussie team causing him to yell at the TV. - by Dr Brad McKay   0:24:20 Ken Harvey The Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science has awarded Dr Ken Harvey the 2016 ANZAAS Medal.   0:28:44 Take Stock with Shelley Stocken Our new reporter looks into the myths and reality of so-called Demonic Possession.   0:40:42 The Raw Skeptic Report This week Heidi Robertson reports from the recent Brisbane Skepticamp. Who goes to these events and why? Also an interview with a Curtis who works in an organic supermarket.   Also... Skeptics Dinner Meeting with Lyne Kelly - 24th September

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