The Skeptic Zone #450 - 4.June.2017
The Skeptic Zone - En podcast af Richard Saunders
0:00:00 Introduction Richard Saunders 0:08:22 Shingles Attack! Richard Saunders learns first-hand of the real life consequences of having Chicken Pox around 50 years ago. Includes an excerpt from the documentary "The Vaccination Chronicles" with G.P. Dr Richard Gordon talking about the condition. 0:19:20 Edith Cowan Uni bans crystal healing training seminars The seminars have apparently been running on the university grounds since 2011, and the next was due to take place on June 25. But in response to queries from Australian Skeptics Inc, ECU Vice-Chancellor Prof Steve Chapman says that “We have written to the organisation and requested that they remove all reference to these events on their website.” 0:23:40 Brew Ha Ha: Science in less time than it takes to order a coffee With Ben Lewis If you were going to hack a device, a pacemaker might not be your first choice. But with over 8000 security vulnerabilities it might be your easiest choice. 0:26:10 Speical Report from Susan Gerbic Join Susan as she wanders around the Monterey Bay Aquarium and tells of the importance of supporting scientific institutions to save them from resorting to so-called Ghost Tours. 0:32:20 The Raw Skeptic Report... with Heidi Robertson Armed with a new PhD from the University of Wollongong, anti-vaccination campaigner Judy Wilyman has lashed out at a West Australian journalist who questioned the science behind a new documentary on supposed links between vaccines and autism. 0:39:16 Maynard's Spooky Action.... Maynard tries is hand at CPR! Will the dummy survive? Another Sydney Skeptics in the Pub with a talk by Trish Hann on basic CPR techniques. Maynard also asks pubbers why they think more people don't apply for the Skeptics' prize money. With Jessica Singer - Lara Benham - Dr Brad McKay - Tim Mendham - Ian Bryce and Alethia Dean. Also... NECSS - New York CSI Con - Las Vagus European Skeptics Congress - Wroclaw SkepticCal - California QED - Manchester Skepticon Sydney