The Skeptic Zone #595 -8.March.2020
The Skeptic Zone - En podcast af Richard Saunders
0:00:00 Introduction Richard Saunders 0:04:56 Surf Coast Summer Skepticamp VIII We head to the beautiful 'Surf Coast', a couple of hours south-west of Melbourne, to attend the local Skepticamp. It was also a chance for us to test the 'Premium Wine Card', a device that the makers claim can change the taste of wine and water. 0:19:30 Maynard's Spooky Action... Interviews from Australian Skeptics' dinner meeting This week climate change with, Tim Mendham Dr Michael Mann 0:32:40 Logical Fallacies. With Michelle Bijkersma This week Michelle looks at "The Appeal to Popularity". A Logical Fallacy is an error we can make in reasoning, but it usually crops up when we are discussing or arguing our point of view. 0:39:46 The Raw Skeptic Report. With Heidi Robertson Coronavirus Update Dr Sue Page AM is a past President of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia and current Board member of Future Health Leaders, North Coast GP Training, and RACGP Rural. As Associate Professor with the University of Sydney she links to the Northern Rivers University Centre for Rural Health, a collaboration between that university and the University of Southern Cross for the delivery of multidisciplinary health professional education in Australia. Also Maynard's 2020 Calendar