The Skeptic Zone #738 - 27.November.2022
The Skeptic Zone - En podcast af Richard Saunders
0:00:00 Introduction Maynard with Richard Saunders 0:05:50 Claire Klingenberg Claire Klingenberg is the President of the European Council of Skeptical Organisations and co-organizer of the Czech Paranormal Challenge. Since 2013, she has spoken at multiple science and skepticism conferences, and has consulted on a range of projects where pseudoscientific belief meets science. This week she headed to the Skeptic Zone studios to chat with Richard Saunders. 0:22:10 Rob Palmer at CSICon 2022 In his final report, Rob roves around the halls at CSICon 2022 in Las Vegas and bumps into Natalia Pasternak and Carlos Orsi from Brazil, Abhijit Chanda from India and Thomas Westbrook from Holy Koolaid on YouTube. 0:40:58 A Dive into a Trove A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to "UFOs". The Barrier Daily Truth - 30th May, 1950 The Sydney Morning Herald - 8th January, 1954 The Canberra Times - 8th July, 1965 The King Island Times - 9th June, 1976 Also Australian Skeptics National Convention 2022 Science & Skepticism in a changed world 3 - 4 December, National Library of Australia, Canberra