The Skeptic Zone #836 - 13.October.2024
The Skeptic Zone - En podcast af Richard Saunders

0:00:00 Introduction Richard Saunders 0:05:46 You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill Erika Englehaupt Interview #2 Adrienne interviews Science Journalist Erika Englehaupt about her two books published within the last few years. This is part two of a two-part series in which we discuss her fascinating book Go to Hell: Journey to the Underworld. . 00:23:56 For Crying Out Loud! It's Kat McLeod More than just a magician's assistant. In honour of Women's History Month, Kat will be giving the listeners a history lesson about Rose Mackenberg. Known primarily for being Houdini's assistant, she was much more than that, she was a prolific debunker in her own right, and should be remembered for all she accomplished. 0:32:08 Australian Skeptics Newsletter What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week? Read by Adrienne Hill. 045:04 The TROVE Archives A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to the great Harry Houdini. 1932 - The Truth Also Mick West - UFO Trailer