The Skeptic Zone #850 - 19.January.2025
The Skeptic Zone - En podcast af Richard Saunders

0:00:00 Introduction Richard Saunders 00:04:58 You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill. Modern Mystery School - Part #1 Adrienne is joined by guests Faith Newsome and Ramiro Rodriguez to dive into the world of the dazzling domain of the Modern Mystery School. Never heard of it before? Neither had we! But it is another New Age group with a worldwide wave of followers. Part #2 next week. 0:23:42 UFO Disclosure is Coming Any Day Now... I Promise... Will journalist Ross Coulthart end up with alien egg all over his face? Any day now we've been promised disclosure and more evidence from so-called whistleblowers. So far these whistleblowers have been more "blow hards" than anything else. Take a deep breath, a stiff drink and prepare to hear yet more amazing revelations from the UFO believers just like the "amazing revelations" of months and years gone by. Ross Coulhart on Tiktok 0:29:50 Australian Skeptics Newsletter What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week? Read by Adrienne Hill. 0:40:48 The TROVE Archives A wander through the decades of digitised Australian and Canadian newspapers on a search for references to Creationism in Schools. With Kat McLeod, Lara Benham, Adrienne Hill and Richard Saunders. 1975.02.03 - The Daily Herald Tribune - Canada 1952.04.23 - The Adelaide Advertiser 1930.05.31 - The Kangaroo Island Courier 1923.07.12 - The Brisbane Courier 1978.11.17 - The Calgary Albertan