Podcast #63 - Digital Turbine deep dive

On this week's pod, we deep dive Digital Turbine, a mobile ad-tech innovator specialising in targeted app installation and programmatic advertising to mobile devices. Digital Turbine invented the market for app installation and have a patent on 'single-tap' app installation to Android devices, but the business model is controversial, and the company have been accused of pushing 'bloatware'. Revenues are multiplying at triple-digit rates year over year as the company rides the wave of the 5G rollout cycle and continually increasing usage of mobile devices, but do they have what it takes to be an ad-tech winner in the long-term? Albert and Luke arrive at different conclusions by the end of this in-depth discussion. Companies mentioned in the discussion include Magnite, The Trade Desk, Integral Ad Science, and DoubleVerify. ----- If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing at https://telescopeinvesting.com/subscribe/ Or you can contact the hosts: LukeTelescope AlbertTelescope

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