What Makes You, You? Part I: The Philosophy of Personal Identity

Consider yourself at 7-years-old. How is it that you now and your 7-year-old self are the same person? Dr. David Kyle Johnson helps us discover how personal identity is preserved over time. Are persons souls? Minds? Bodies? Answers to these questions help us understand human relationships and to what degree are younger versions of ourselves or others present in our relationships. Contact us at The Theory of Change Podcast [email protected] Music By The Passion HiFi  www.thepassionhifi.com More from Dr. Johnson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.DavidKyleJohnson/ Twitter: @kyle8425 https://kings.academia.edu/DavidKyleJohnson/Pop-Culture-and-Philosophy https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/plato-pop https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/logical-take https://www.thegreatcourses.com/professors/david-k-johnson/  

Om Podcasten

The Theory of Change Podcast showcases topics relevant to counselors and counselor educators. The host of this podcast discusses counseling theory, social/cultural issues, and the working dynamics of the modern practitioner. Guests are leading thinkers and practitioners in counseling and related fields that exemplify excellence in their respective disciplines. Host: Dr. Alfredo Palacios Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at The University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Email: [email protected] Music by The Passion HiFi