What Makes You, You? Part II: The Mind-Body Problem

As our discussion continues, with Dr. David Kyle Johnson from King's College, we seek to answer the the question of how our physical brains produce our non-physical minds. We discuss how this question allows us to understand the nature of the self, and our relationship with other people. Contact us at The Theory of Change Podcast [email protected] Music By The Passion HiFi  www.thepassionhifi.com More from Dr. Johnson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.DavidKyleJohnson/ Twitter: @kyle8425 https://kings.academia.edu/DavidKyleJohnson/Pop-Culture-and-Philosophy https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/plato-pop https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/logical-take https://www.thegreatcourses.com/professors/david-k-johnson/  

Om Podcasten

The Theory of Change Podcast showcases topics relevant to counselors and counselor educators. The host of this podcast discusses counseling theory, social/cultural issues, and the working dynamics of the modern practitioner. Guests are leading thinkers and practitioners in counseling and related fields that exemplify excellence in their respective disciplines. Host: Dr. Alfredo Palacios Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at The University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Email: [email protected] Music by The Passion HiFi