An Officer And A Gentleman: And A Drill Instructor

Have You Ever Seen - En podcast af Ryan Ellis & Bev Ellis - Mandage


Bonus episode! This time, Ryan tries to figure out what the real love story is in An Officer And A Gentleman. Sure, Richard Gere and Debra Winger are hot for each other in this famously passionate boot camp movie, but what about the wild card in this love-fest...namely, Louis Gossett Jr? Okay, yes, the drill instructor is also a much-needed father figure to dreamboat Gere, even if the D.I. is one who will train, torture and karate-kick the future jet-flier, whether the tough guy is unforgettable or not. This remains a much-loved drama that's full of effective love-vs-war contrasts that director Taylor Hackford balances beautifully. And---40 years later---that finale still carries a lot of water...and also 1 factory worker. So let love lift you up as this one-man oral essay breaks down the many goods and the occasional bads in AAAAG.   Also, why not tweet us (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis) and/or email us ([email protected])