Bambi: The Unbearable Hypocrisy Of Meat-Eating
Have You Ever Seen - En podcast af Ryan Ellis & Bev Ellis - Mandage

Bonus episode! It's become a habit to release a "one Ryan show" on or around holidays, so how about some incendiary thoughts about what people put on their plates during Epic Eating Season? It took some re-releases to get there, but Bambi has become one of Disney's biggest hits ever and is beloved by many fans, but this review doesn't join all those people in the gush parade. Not that the movie doesn't look great and there certainly are interesting themes in this nature-loving subject matter. There are also many favourable comparisons to The Lion King. Still, this episode is a rip-fest. So as America enjoys/dreads spending several days with family during the Thanksgiving weekend, settle in with a brief solo gab that has a thorn in its hoof about Bambi. If you want to shoot us some tweets or just follow what we type out on Twitter, we're @moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis. Emails are also cool (