Best Movies Of The Decade

Have You Ever Seen - En podcast af Ryan Ellis & Bev Ellis - Mandage


We end 2019 with a show about our favourites of the year and our year in podcasting. The bulk of the episode though highlights our faves of the past decade. In this Next 177 Project, we count from 10 down to 1 about which pictures impressed us the most between 2010 and 2019. No spoilers about what those titles will be....well, except to say that we didn’t even find room on our lists for Inception or 7 of the decade’s winners of the Best Picture Oscar. Happy and safe New Year to you all! Your coffee requirements can and should be filled by going to Sparkplug Coffee’s website. If you use our promo code (“top100project”), you will win yourself a one-time 20% discount. Twittering time? Sure. We’re @moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis Our website: On January 6th, we'll gum-wag about The Social Network