Key Largo

Have You Ever Seen - En podcast af Ryan Ellis & Bev Ellis - Mandage


Have You Ever Seen #512 takes a bus down to the Florida Keys to see what Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall and Edward G. Robinson are up to at Lionel Barrymore's hotel. Bogart and co-writer/director John Huston are back doing another noir after The Maltese Falcon made them major players in the industry 7 years earlier. Key Largo was also released the very same year as their masterpiece, The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre. There's a lot of content packed into this strong script, but Huston ties it all together in a tidy 100-minute runtime. Everyone gets a chance to shine, even if real-life lovebirds Bogie & Bacall are muted compared to their other 1940s collaborations. Robinson stands out the most---even more than Oscar-winner Claire Trevor---playing another in his long line of criminals. So pour a drink to steady your gun-toting hand and batten down the hatches against the raging storm as Ryan handles this Key Largo review alone. Sparkplug Coffee remains our sponsor. Go to "" and use that "hyes" promo code to get 20% off your next order. To share your own thoughts, email us ([email protected]) and/or tweet us (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis). This podcast and all of our 2023 endeavours are available on YouTube (@hyesellis). For another few weeks, check out Ryan's podcast about sports flicks, "Scoring At The Movies".