Meet Me In St. Louis

Have You Ever Seen - En podcast af Ryan Ellis & Bev Ellis - Mandage


Believe it or not, the best-reviewed Christmas movie on Rotten Tomatoes is this Judy Garland musical about love, family and home. As sweet and fun as Meet Me In St. Louis is though, making it wasn't always a joyful experience for the cast and crew. Garland, who met director Vincente Minnelli---one of her future husbands---while making it, was in rough shape while shooting. That started a discussion between us about child stars and how they're treated by show business. For every Garland or Margaret O'Brien who succeeds and even wins the now-defunct Juvenile Oscar, there's a story about putting young people in unfair or even dangerous situations. Sometimes even stars like Garland suffered just to stay on top. But this chat mostly focused on this light and lovely family film that's so similar to Little Women that you could almost call this "Little Smiths". So as your trolley clang, clang, clangs for the 470th Ellises' Analysis, we hope you'll have yourself a merry holiday/Christmas and enjoy our little tongue-wag about Meet Me In St. Looie, Looie.   Also, when you're being courted by the handshaking neighbour, you can tell him a good thing to put in your wedding registry is Sparkplug Coffee. You can even let people know that they'll save 20% on their next order by using our "top100project" promo code. Don't hesitate to tweet us your feedback (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis), email us and follow Ryan's other podcast (Scoring At The Movies) where the topic is sports films.