Sherlock Jr.
Have You Ever Seen - En podcast af Ryan Ellis & Bev Ellis - Mandage

A Buster Keaton film hasn't been reviewed on this channel in going on 10 years, so Sherlock Jr. seemed like the perfect way to end that drought. It's an acclaimed pratfall comedy done by the stone-faced silent stuntman who also knew how to tickle the bones that are funny. But is this movie actually funny? It's rightly famous for the gimmick where Keaton's projectionist character has a dream and literally walks into the movie he's screening. Before the superior second half and also during the first half set in the real world, he does some crazy brave things. The print is great. It's a fun watch. it funny? Ryan has a lengthy oral essay trying to answer that very question in this 483rd episode of Have You Ever Seen, so mouth along to the silent antics as one man digs into the 99-year-old Sherlock Jr. To save 205 off your next order of Sparkplug Coffee, go to "" and use that promo code. We also wouldn't mind a bit if you tweeted to Ryan (@moviefiend51) and/or Bev (@bevellisellis) and we also enjoy getting emails ([email protected]). To burn through this episode on YouTube with our new logo as your only visual accompaniment, go to: @hyesellis. Lastly, if you're into the idea of hearing Ryan jaw about sports motion pictures, look up "Scoring At The Movies".