Spider-Man 2

Have You Ever Seen - En podcast af Ryan Ellis & Bev Ellis - Mandage


For the Next 155 Project, we spend a good long while jamming about all the big-screen Spider-Man pictures, not just #2. In #2 specifically, though, Peter Parker is the young web-slinger with performance anxiety battling Doc Ock, the careless scientist who warps into a potential mass murderer. Despite that grim set-up, director Sam Raimi teamed with squeaky-voiced Tobey Maguire to make a bright, fun sequel that improved upon the previous monster hit. It isn’t all sunshine and lollipops though. The cast isn’t as strong in these roles as other actors have been in other Spidey flicks (one guy in particular is……just not good). Regardless, this flick helped build comic-book movies as THE go-to crowd-pleasing, money-making genre. Sparkplug Coffee is still your source for outstanding java. A 10% discount is yours if you use our promo code (“top100project”). You can drop us a tweetage: @moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis Off Canada Day. Back on July 8th with Once Upon A Time In The West