Graph Analytic Systems with Zachary Hanif - TWiML Talk #188

In this, the final episode of our Strata Data Conference series, we’re joined by Zachary Hanif, Director of Machine Learning at Capital One’s Center for Machine Learning. We start our discussion with a look at the role of graph analytics in the ML toolkit, including some important application areas for graph-based systems. Zach gives us an overview of the different ways to implement graph analytics, including what he calls graphical processing engines which excel at handling large datasets, & much m

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Machine learning and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing the way businesses operate and people live. The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, engineers and tech-savvy business and IT leaders. Hosted by Sam Charrington, a sought after industry analyst, speaker, commentator and thought leader. Technologies covered include machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, natural language processing, neural networks, analytics, computer science, data science and more.