Hyperparameter Optimization through Neural Network Partitioning with Christos Louizos - #627

Today we kick off our coverage of the 2023 ICLR conference joined by Christos Louizos, an ML researcher at Qualcomm Technologies. In our conversation with Christos, we explore his paper Hyperparameter Optimization through Neural Network Partitioning and a few of his colleague's works from the conference. We discuss methods for speeding up attention mechanisms in transformers, scheduling operations for computation graphs, estimating channels in indoor environments, and adapting to distribution shifts in test time with neural network modules. We also talk through the benefits and limitations of federated learning, exploring sparse models, optimizing communication between servers and devices, and much more.  The complete show notes for this episode can be found at https://twimlai.com/go/627.

Om Podcasten

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing the way businesses operate and people live. The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, engineers and tech-savvy business and IT leaders. Hosted by Sam Charrington, a sought after industry analyst, speaker, commentator and thought leader. Technologies covered include machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, natural language processing, neural networks, analytics, computer science, data science and more.