S1 Ep25: Explaining yourself - things can be both true, and unhelpful

Are you on my mailing list, sibling? Join here solasystems.xyz for email broadcasts from The SOLA System to help you work to cultivate the self-clarity, self-acceptance and pride to BE who you are. The SOLA System + Siblings, the 6 month online 'unmasking unschool' guiding you on a journey through The SOLA System, alongside a community of siblings to share the journey with. Learn more: solasystems.xyz/siblings Transcript: www.solasystems.xyz/blog/025 _____________________ Episode summary: Autistic folks, have to EXPLAIN themselves too much. The gap between the lived experiences of YOU and the lived experience that consensus reality regards as REAL… is a wide canyon. Crossing it, too often falls on YOU to explain your way into their reality SO it is reasonable to believe that BEING YOURSELF requires you to change their reality, so to fit you inside it. To change their thinking so they understand you. This belief holds true across instances where there is a lot at stake in being understood; healthcare systems legal systems workplaces social services etc. But having the permission to also NOT have to be understood is also part of the solution. Allowing ourselves to question what is STRUCTURALLY TRUE, and yet unhelpful thinking, allows us to see beyond the REALITY imposed on our bodies without consent. To imagine outside of its dictates. And to give permission to what can only exist when we allow ourselves to NOT be understood. This is the contradiction at the heart of this work; to acknowledge what is tangibly real while also imagining beyond it. In this episode, I invite you to imagine beyond having to make sense and explain yourself to everyone. _____________________ The Unmasking Unschool Podcast (formerly: sensory siblings) is brought to you by Louisa Shaeri, beaming from The SOLA System; the liberatory framework and unmasking unschool for late-identified autistic+ folks seeking a new way to see, know and be yourself, beyond the paradigm of pathology, and the confines of normativity. Unmask, unravel the false ideas of who you are and emerge from systemic invisibility into the light of your full self. Learn more at solasystems.xyz

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The Unmasking Unschool Podcast is for autistic visionaries, creatives and change-makers. Who are seeking to exit the burnout cycles, pathology paradigms, masks and self-negations of the past that keep you stuck, and want to realise the self-reinventions, life pivots and culture-shifting projects to become your boldest most authentic self. Hosted by Louisa Shaeri, artist, coach, cultural activator, founder of SOLA Systems. Learn more at http://solasystems.xyz Episode transcripts: https://www.solasystems.xyz/podcast