S1 Ep26: FROM THE ARCHIVES: Are you caught up in trying to be right?

The Unmasking Unschool Podcast - En podcast af SOLA Systems // Louisa Shaeri


Are you on my mailing list, sibling? Join here solasystems.xyz for email broadcasts from The SOLA System to help you work to cultivate the self-clarity, self-acceptance and pride to BE who you are. The SOLA System + Siblings, the 6 month online 'unmasking unschool' guiding you on a journey through The SOLA System, alongside a community of siblings to share the journey with. Learn more: solasystems.xyz/siblings Transcript: www.solasystems.xyz/blog/026 _____________________ Episode summary: After realising you are autistic there is a needs must to deep dive "obsessively". To share everything you are learning ("info dump"). To make a “special interest” of (a.k.a. become a niche specialist in) all things autism. And my words to you are: go for it!! But I also want to share a word of warning; Because the seeking of those glimpses of self revelation requires wading through piles and posts and podcasts and publications that are full of misinformation. And so this process can come a painful confrontation with ableism including that which you've internalised. And with that, a desire to advocate against that DEARTH of misinformation. To make it wrong, in order for you to feel right. That was me. I wanted to argue for all the parts of myself that now needed to be seen, by focusing on all of the papers, and pathology paradigms and books and blogs… that had it wrong. In that need to be RIGHT, for there to be a ‘right’ way to think, I was also reproducing the same oppressive logics that I was seeking to make wrong.  Unlearning that desire to be RIGHT, by making other people WRONG (even when they are!) is a crucial component of the journey to feeling good about who you are and creating the inner freedom to BE who you are whether or not you have the agreement or understanding or buy-in. Especially from the people who have more access to knowledge production and dissemination, to share *about* who they think you are, then you do. The underlying questions I ask in this episode are: Can you: let them be wrong about you. Can you: let "them" become irrelevant.     _____________________ The Unmasking Unschool Podcast (formerly: sensory siblings) is brought to you by Louisa Shaeri, beaming from The SOLA System; the liberatory framework and unmasking unschool for late-identified autistic+ folks seeking a new way to see, know and be yourself, beyond the paradigm of pathology, and the confines of normativity. Unmask, unravel the false ideas of who you are and emerge from systemic invisibility into the light of your full self. Learn more at solasystems.xyz

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