Like a brass bull in a china shop

Join GJ as he delves (or gores, or gauges, or slashes) deeply into the history of the mighty Minotaurs, both in Warhammer Fantasy and the original iteration hidden away below the palace of king Minos on Crete. Is there truth to the legend? We sure hope so! But not so much if the Minotaurs take on the Bloodgreed trait. Because in Old World, beef eat you.   Come join our Facebook group, the Warhammer Orchard! You can find us on:Facebook: Wargames OrchardPatron: @wargamesorchardEmail: wargamesorchard[at]gmail[dot]com

Om Podcasten

A Warhammer Fantasy podcast dedicated to exploring the game in a whole new way! We discuss rules, armies, and units from 5th to 8th edition, while working to make our rule sets and scenarios. Listeners will also find plenty of lore, news, and hobby talk. Take a walk back in the Old World with us!