Equity in Education with Lee Elliot Major
The We Lead Well Podcast - En podcast af maguirevvm
Welcome to the We Lead Well podcast! In this episode, we are thrilled to that Lee Elliot Major, the UK's first Professor of Social Mobility, was able to join us for an insightful and inspirational conversation. Lee discusses his latest book, "Equity in Education," and delves into critical issues surrounding educational inequalities, unconscious biases, and the language we use to describe children from under-resourced backgrounds. Lee shares his thoughts on the importance of early years interventions, the impact of cultural capital, and the challenges faced by children from different socio-economic backgrounds. He also offers practical advice for educators on how to create a more equitable learning environment, including rethinking setting practices and improving teacher-parent interactions. www.weleadwell.co.uk [email protected] www.headteacherchat.com www.progressivemasculinity.co.uk www.schoolsuk.com Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that aims to inspire educators to reflect on their practices and consider new approaches to foster equity in education.