177 Is Iron Fist A Terrible Crap Thing?
The Weekly Planet - En podcast af Planet Broadcasting
Iron Fist is out and happening in a big way! Is it the disaster some say? We talk about that but also Guardians 2 news, Mindhorn, MI6, Transformers The Last One, DC news all round, The Matrix getting another Matrix and the future of Star Wars! Thanks for listening. Iron Fist Easter Eggs: https://goo.gl/NikH0u 0:00 HEY. Donate: https://give.everydayhero.com/au/mrsunday-movember 4:25 GOTG2 Stallone and the guy that was Lex Luthor 8:36 Mindhorn 11:32 Henry Cavill joins MI6 12:55 Transformers: The Last Knight trailer...3? 15:49 DC News 26:41 The Matrix get’s a reboot 33:42 Future of Star Wars 34:47 Iron Fist Spoiler Free 1:01:33 Iron Fist Spoilers 1:10:45 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read 1:11:31 - 1:15:35 Star Wars Rebels Spoilers 1:16:03 Letters It’s Time For Letters Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrsundaymovies Mr Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/lB90W2 The Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/1ZQFGH Find out T-Shirts here: https://goo.gl/q6gE9C If you want to support the show by doing practically nothing, shop at Amazon via this link: http://goo.gl/57ZYsn. A small percentage goes our way at no extra cost to you. Or something. Also if you're from outside the US just visit the link then go to your countries page and it should work. I guess. I dunno. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy