Period Poverty | A Conversation with Megha Desai, President of the Desai Foundation Around Menstruation in South Asia

1 in 5 girls in South Asia will drop out of school after the onset of their period. Period poverty is a global issue with wide-ranging impact. The Desai Foundation's President, Megha Desai, joins TDS to discuss their initiatives to provide access to education, period products, infrastructure, and more - and above all, dignity.The Phoenix King by Aparna Verma is on sale now! An action-packed debut of fire magic and ancient prophecy, in which the fate of a futuristic desert kingdom rests in the hands of a princess desperate for power and an assassin with a dark secret, this novel is a can't-miss! Follow TDS on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and catch up with the hosts, Annika and Nehal, on their personals. Until next time, keep lighting That Desi Spark!

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That Desi Spark, formerly known as The Woke Desi, is a bold podcast created by three founders who recognized a space void of color and conversation around the topics that impact dual-identity, South Asian millennials the most. From education to entertainment and social justice issues to social media trends, That Desi Spark approaches each episode with compassion, advocacy, and information, bolstered by subject-area experts and unfiltered celebrity moments. Founded by healthcare manager/author Annika Sharma, marketing whiz/lifestyle blogger Nehal Tenany, and hedge fund trader/producer Sridhar Pisupati, That Desi Spark ignites conversation, illuminates learning, and sparks a community to own their stories, rise up with confidence, and blaze a path forward. The podcast has been featured in the Times of India, at BBC’s CDX, and on Forbes. They have been featured speakers at multiple conferences, ViacomCBS, and universities.They can be found on the web, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.