Do You Want to Be "Perfect" or Be Happy? | Karith Foster

Karith is a comedian, speaker and founder of Inversity,-- a cutting-edge appraoch to issues of diversity in the work place. She speaks candidly with Joe about her experience with race. racism. mental health and more. Joe reflects on the importance of the internal locus-of-control and hope.

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Gaslighting, Narcissism, ADHD. 6 signs you’re neurodivergent. Are you autistic? These are just some of the mental health buzzwords popping up all over your feed these days. Is it real? Or are we just seeing the start to a mental health industrial complex? Joe Nucci is a psychotherapist seeing his industry devolve into psychobabble right in front of our eyes. Join Joe as he speaks to experts in his field and outside of it, as we decipher what kind of mental health information is helpful for you and what isn’t.