059 Why It Might Be Time To Raise Your Standards!

As your business progresses, you set new expectations and goals to reach. When you get to a certain stage of growth, that requires you to raise the bar higher to meet your new expectations. So today I want to talk about some of the reasons why it might be time to raise your standards, and how to set your intentions right for the greater good of your business. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - 3 signs that show it’s time to raise your standards - The importance of setting boundaries in every relationship with your clients  - Why I made the biggest shift for my business and how it has affected me so far - The consequences of attracting wrong people to your business - How to set your intentions right and raise your standards  Ever since I made the decision to set boundaries and select the right clients I wanted to work with in my business, my energy shifted for good. So my advice to you is to decide what standards you want for your business. Don’t limit yourself because you think you’re not good enough for those standards. Just raise your standards and watch how everything starts to shift. Resources: - Secure Your Spot at The Magnetic Millionaire Program: https://www.successandinfluence.com/millionaire  - Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/think_like_a_boss.co/  - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ThinkLikeABossCo  - My website https://www.thinklikeaboss.co/

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THINK LIKE A BOSS Podcast for ambitious women who are ready to grow and scale their online business and boss their way to success. If you're an entrepreneur ready to build a profitable business and create multiple streams of income then this is the place for you. Hosted by Maggie Colette, CEO of Think Like a Boss, you'll learn how to overcome your struggles and have powerful business breakthroughs. Learn what it takes to create financial success, time freedom and how to hustle the right way to get results. This is the place for inspiration, motivation and determination. It's time for you to Think Like a Boss.