#5 Om motivation med Taregh Jasemian, CEO App Blueprint Academy (Danish)

(Re-upload af en episode fra 2017) Denne gang mødes Asbjørn med softwareingeniør og CEO Taregh Jasimian. De mødtes første gang i netværket Toastmasters, og har siden samarbejdet om løs og fast. Hør Tareghs historie om at tage til USA for at høre Brendon Burchard. Taregh fortæller om iværksætteri, apps og sin egen selvudvikling. Både Asbjørn og Taregh er dybt fascineret af mennesker som, Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins m.fl, og de dykker sammen ned i det uudtømmelige emne motivation. I dette afsnit tales der om: Motivation, at hjælpe hinanden, Martin Thorborg, at sælge sig selv, Amino, Startup Village, I love marketing podcast, online kurser, ambitioner, “Dean Graziosi“, frameworks, at turde, succes, to-do lister, scrumboard, meditation, at være tv-fri, Simon Sinek, at finde ned til sit helt eget mål og penge.

Om Podcasten

In "Think outside the box with Asbjorn Jensen", we talk about going outside your comfort zone, challenging yourself, the brain, your thoughts, philosophy and public speaking. Throughout, I will bring in interesting guests that will shed a light on different aspects of the above mentioned topics. You will also gain the knowledge of my over 25 years experience in public speaking, storytelling and getting your message across. I have in my career taught everything from scientists to entrepreneurs to politicians in communication. Hope you enjoy. See more at https://www.asbjornspeaks.com/