Bait & switch

How far would you go to right a wrong? When Kari meets a nice man on a dating site, it feels like a dream come true. But when the relationship turns into more than she bargained for — she sets off on a crime-fighting quest that forces her to reevaluate her world and herself.

This episode was reported and produced by Peter Balonon-Rosen, edited by Karen Duffin and engineered by Drew Jostad.

Om Podcasten

This is a show about life and how money messes with it. Each week, Marketplace’s Reema Khrais digs in with stories about the unanticipated ways money affects relationships, shapes identities and often defines what it means to be an adult. How much money do you lend a friend? Who can afford to vote? Can you get your life back after being wrongfully convicted?