Coach Schmo

When Joe Hanson got the call to start a varsity esports team at the local community college, he didn’t know what to think. He already had a full time job. He had a family to think about. And this coaching gig, it was basically a glorified volunteer position. Plus, he didn’t even know what “esports” really meant. But this opportunity stirred something within Joe that he couldn’t ignore… In this episode, we follow Coach Joe and his ragtag team of gamers as they go up against the best and try to prove the haters wrong.

This episode was reported Reema Khrais, produced by Serena Chow, edited by Karen Duffin and engineered by Drew Jostad.

Om Podcasten

This is a show about life and how money messes with it. Each week, Marketplace’s Reema Khrais digs in with stories about the unanticipated ways money affects relationships, shapes identities and often defines what it means to be an adult. How much money do you lend a friend? Who can afford to vote? Can you get your life back after being wrongfully convicted?